PIX4Dcatch RTK
PIX4Dcatch RTK
PIX4Dcatch RTK は、写真測量技術とRTK測位を組み合わせた、 スマートフォン対応の高精度3D測量ソリューション です。また、写真に加えてiPhone Proの LiDAR技術 を活用するため、より高密度な点群の生成が可能です。
本製品を使用することで、 写真とLiDARを組み合わせた3D点群データやメッシュモデルの生成 が可能となり、さらに 高解像度のオルソモザイクやDSM などの2D成果物も作成できます。
GNSSローバーを使用した際のRTK測位の位置精度は 相対誤差1cm、絶対誤差5cm以内 という高精度を誇り、測量・建設・インフラ管理など、幅広い分野で活用できます。
スマートフォンを活用した 手軽さ と GNSS補正による高精度測位 を兼ね備えた PIX4Dcatch RTK。
次世代の測量技術 を、ぜひ展示会でご体感ください。
PIX4Dcatch RTK is a high-precision 3D surveying solution that combines photogrammetry technology with RTK positioning, designed for use with smartphones. By utilizing the LiDAR technology of iPhone Pro, it enables the generation of higher-density point clouds in addition to photogrammetry-based data.
With this product, users can generate 3D point cloud data and mesh models by combining photographic and LiDAR data. Additionally, it allows the creation of high-resolution orthomosaics and DSMs as 2D deliverables. When used with a GNSS rover, RTK positioning achieves a relative accuracy of 1 cm and an absolute accuracy within 5 cm, making it highly suitable for a wide range of applications such as surveying, construction, and infrastructure management.
PIX4Dcatch RTK combines the convenience of a smartphone with high-precision positioning via GNSS correction. Experience the next-generation surveying technology at our exhibition!

Reach RS3
Reach RS3
Reach RS3 は、高精度な単点測位とRTK測位に対応したGNSS受信機です。IMUを搭載しており、最大60°の傾斜でも20mm以内の精度を維持することが可能。傾けた状態でも正確な測位が行えるため、従来の垂直設置が難しい環境でも効率的な作業が実現できます。
Reach RS3 is a GNSS receiver that supports high-precision single-point positioning and RTK positioning. Equipped with an IMU, it maintains an accuracy within 20mm even at a maximum tilt of 60 degrees. This allows for precise measurements even when the device is tilted, enabling efficient work in environments where traditional vertical placement is difficult.
In an open sky environment, location information can be obtained in as little as five seconds, enabling rapid surveying work. It can also be installed as a fixed station for RTK positioning, making it possible to build a more accurate positioning system.

PIX4Dmaticは、写真データとLiDARデータの両方を統合処理できる高度な技術を搭載し、RTK(リアルタイムキネマティック)ワークフローにも完全対応。RTKドローンやPIX4Dcatch RTKで取得した高精度データをスムーズに処理し、測量・マッピングの業務をより効率化します。
PIX4Dmatic is a next-generation photogrammetry software that revolutionizes the photogrammetric workflow.
Equipped with advanced technology, PIX4Dmatic enables the seamless integration of both image and LiDAR data processing. It is fully compatible with RTK (Real-Time Kinematic) workflows, making it the ideal solution for efficiently processing high-accuracy data captured with RTK drones and PIX4Dcatch RTK.
Additionally, PIX4Dmatic supports the processing of ultra-high-resolution images and can handle the batch processing of more than 10,000 images. Its high-performance engine allows for smooth operation, even in large-scale projects.
With this software, users can generate the following highly accurate outputs:
(1) 3D Models: High-density point clouds (from images), depth point clouds (from LiDAR), fused point clouds (image + LiDAR),and mesh models
(2) 2D Models: High-resolution orthomosaics and DSM (Digital Surface Models)
(3) Quality Reports
PIX4Dmatic is widely applicable across various industries, including surveying, construction, infrastructure management, disaster response, and environmental research.