油圧・電気回路設計シミュレーションソフト Automation Studio™
Automation Studio
油圧・電気回路設計シミュレーションソフトAutomation Studio™をご紹介します。
ブースでは、油圧・電気回路設計シミュレーションソフトAutomation Studio™を使用した回路設計とシミュレーションのデモンストレーションを実施します。
Automation Studio is a unique design and simulation software covering all project/machine technologies including fluid power, electrical, controls, HMI and communications through the entire product lifecycle. It helps to easily combine these various technologies in order to design, document and simulate complete systems.
Whether you are involved in the design, training, sales, production or maintenance, Automation Studio can help your organization by improving quality, speeding up workflow and boosting productivity while simultaneously reducing costs and enhancing all aspects of project communication.