HA60W 自動走行・自動伸縮システム
HA60W Automatic Steering and Screed
This function automatically controls screed extension/retraction and steering of asphalt pavers HA60W.
This contributes to labor savings at paving work sites by reducing the workload of operators and other paving staff.
It also improves construction quality and safety by allowing the operator to concentrate on paving work other than that which is automated.
SH135X-7 + Trimble Starter Edition (3Dマシンガイダンス)
SH135X-7 + Trimble Starter Edition (3D Machine Guidance)
設計面をモニターでガイダンスし、高精度な作業が可能となるTrimble Earthworksのマシンガイダンスシステムに、システム導入の負担を軽減するスターターエディションが新登場。
Trimble Earthworks Machine Guidance System, which monitors and guides the design surface to ensure high accuracy, is now available in a starter edition to reduce the burden of system installation.
The system can be customized to meet your specific needs by adding licenses and equipment.